boppin' around
Been out of touch for a while... Lots going on.
Got in a minor car accident a few weeks ago. I was rear-ended while I was sitting in traffic in Gulfport. The damage to the vehicle was minor, but I got some whiplash. When I went to the doctor to have it checked out, he said I was OK, just sore. I'll go for some follow-up next week.
This happened right before my vacation (bummer!), and my prescription pain pills / muscle relaxers turned my first few Cali days into a zone-out fest. When I finally stopped taking the pills, I was able to enjoy a relaxed time full of pool, jacuzzi, beach, massages, mudbaths, DVDs, sleeping, Mexican food, craziness, cocktails, friends and gossip.
Now I'm back in the Gulf and ramping back up to my worklife, but trying to take care of my back.