Sabang Island
- Wake up with my sinus condition no better than it has been for the past two days - can't breathe and nose running like crazy
- Try to convince my boss that I need to go away for the weekend for the sake of my mental and physical health - he says no
- Make plans to go away anyway
- Meet up with a friend of a friend to hitch a ride to the port
- Take speed boat over to Sabang Island
- Arrive at beach resort and meet more friends of friends - all German, Austrian and Swiss
- Crack open a cold one
- Zeppelin
- Check into bungalo #3
- Go swimming in the clean warm water of the lagoon
- Eat dinner prepared by the European and Japanese staff of the dive shop
- Fall asleep under mosquito net back in bungalo #3
- Eat breakfast at the cafe overlooking the water
- Read a magazine in a hammock on the beach
- Rain begins - retreat to write in my journal indoors
- Nap in bungalo #3
- Back to the cafe for lunch
- Hang out with the Euros at the dive shop
- Bust out with my rusty German language skills, much to everyone's amazement (including mine)
- Depart on small motor boat to go snorkeling with the Euros at offshore island - see jellyfish, starfish, crabs, manta rays, angel fish, and other colorful fish
- Back to bungalo #3 to change and have a beer
- Ride motorcycles with the Euros to have dinner at a restaurant up the coast
- Sleep
- Breakfast at the beach
- Swimming
- Sunbathing
- George Carlin and Lewis Black on the i-Pod Shuffle
- Coca Cola
- Lunch
- Reading in the hammock - Aldous Huxley
- Nap
- German wine and candles with the Euros on the porch of bungalo #3
- Dinner
- Sleep
- Ferry back to Banda Aceh
- Back to work